Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello, 2013

Baby girl ringing in the New Year last year
Hello there!  A lot has happened since I last checked in.  A lot of good, bad, and in between moments that resulted in a stronger, more grateful me.  Instead of doing a giant recap post to cover all of the awesome and not-so-awesome events that have occurred since May, I decided to just start fresh.  Hey, isn't that what the New Year is all about?!

With the New Year comes reflection.  Usually I do not set resolutions, but this year I decided to make a list of goals that will {hopefully} result in a happier, more fulfilled me. 

My main goal for 2013 is simple: to be content. 

So often, especially lately, my thoughts have been beginning with "I want..."  My wish lists range from materialistic things to larger, life-altering things.  It is a never-ending cycle that makes me lose track of the abundant blessings in my life.  Instead of spending any more time thinking of what I want, I plan to strive to focus on my blessings and be content with what I have and where I am.  

I hope to take time daily to stop and really think about how awesome life is.  God has blessed me in so many ways, and although I don't have the trendiest closet or a perfectly decorated house and I am not where I hoped to be a year ago, my life is pretty darn awesome.  It is time that I let the beauty of the present shine through the wish lists that have been clouding up my life.

With that, my friends, I wish you the happiest of years.  Let's make 2013 a great one!