Saturday, September 17, 2011

Your butt crack is showing

Please don't take offense to the title of today's post (and please don't look behind you to double check).  It has nothing to do with you.  It has to do with pillows.  No sew pillows, to be exact.  Today I decided to finally take on a no sew project.  A few things led to this:  First, Centsational Girl inspired me with her tutorial.  Second, I fell in love with the cloth napkins at Target.  Third, Pinterest reminded me of the tutorial.  Fourth, I needed a break from reading and writing papers for grad school. :)

Let's go back for a second.  My husband and I bought all dark brown furniture for our living room.  We thought it was a good idea at the time... You know, the dark color would hide stains (we have 3 nephews and 3 honorary nieces, so the baby stain potential is pretty large) and hide Bailey's fur (black fur does NOT work on light colored furniture).  When the brown furniture combined with our beige walls, I immediately got overwhelmed by a feeling of "blah."  We won't be painting our walls any time soon because they connect to our foyer (we have a catwalk type upstairs thing going on) and that would be a ridiculous project.  So the beige and brown combo are here to stay.  In order to bring some color to the room, we bought some fancy blue and brown pillows from Ross before we even moved in.  I like them, but don't LOVE them and sometimes I feel like they are too fancy for our style.  They have an elegant floral design on them and are made out of a shiny material.  This no sew tutorial gave me an opportunity to bring in some fun color on the cheap.

I'm not going to go through the tutorial because Centsational Girl does an excellent job, but I will show you my results.  Here's my final product (and yes, our couches look green at night.  It's the weirdest thing.  I promise they are chocolate brown.):

I absolutely love the patterns and the colors.  It's a similar blue to what we had, but on a cotton-based fabric instead of that shiny stuff.  And I like the addition of a playful yellow.

The one thing I'm not so sure about is the giant butt crack showing in the back:

Nobody likes a showing butt crack.
Centsational Girl warned everyone in her tutorial that the insert may pop out a bit in the back, depending on how big the insert is.  She recommended using a safety pin or two to secure it.  I'm not a big fan of that idea, simply because we are huge pillow users.  They're not just for show in this house.  We're always squishing them in some way or another, so I wouldn't want the cold hard safety pins to be up against anyone's face or skin.  My husband loves the pillows, which I am super excited about, so I need to find a way to make them work.  My crafty friend suggested using Velcro.  I may give that option a try to take care of the pesky problem or I may just put the crack against the couch and try my best to pretend it's not there. :) We will see!

Cost breakdown:
4 cloth napkins from Target (yellow) $9.99
4 cloth napkins from Target (blue) $9.99
Heat n Bond Hem Regular Strength from Hobby Lobby $1.99

All in all, I spent under $25.00 for 4 "new" pillows!  This is huge, considering one pillow is usually $10.00 minimum if you find a stinkin' great deal at Ross.  Most decorative pillows are much more.  So I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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