Tuesday, June 14, 2011


According to the Urban Dictionary, the term "hookie" is defined as "A day in which liberty is taken upon oneself to exclude themself from school or work obligations while, most likely, pretending to be sick or having a death in the family. Usually this time is spent with a significant other (i.e. hookie for nookie), a sports activity (i.e. golf or playstation), or just plain sitting on ones ass all day editing & writing definintions for modern slang words over the internet. Commonly referred to as "playing hookie"."  For some reason, this definition does not include "working one's boot-ay off doing home improvement projects with a significant other."  Weird.
Why the vocab lesson?
Yesterday, I played hookie.  Before you shake your finger at me with an ever-dissapproving look in your eye, hear me out.  My husband is a firefighter.  This means that he works 48 hours on (yes, 48 hours away from me) and then has 72 hours off.  Because of his schedule, we rarely have days off together where he isn't just coming off an exhausting shift or about to start a new one.  This has left our huge home improvement wish list / to do list just lying there all sad and lonely.
Last week, my husband helped his co-worker out by switching shifts with him.  This gave him a Sunday off (YAY!).  And the best part of this particular Sunday???  NO PLANS WHATSOEVER!  Usually when we have weekends together, it's already stocked full of plans with friends and family, which is amazing, but that also means we never get to have our carefree days or our Lazy Sundays filled with movies and Chinese take-out that filled our early dating years.  We definitely made the most of this plan-free Sunday.  The hubs surprised me with a shopping spree for some summer clothes followed by an afternoon movie and then some quality "us" time.  Me being spoiled by a full day of hubs + me of course resulted in me wanting an extra day together so we could actually tackle some of our projects.  TOGETHER.  Isn't it amazing how raking dead stuck-together leaves [I swear those leaves must have been there since the beginning of the fall season... Disgusting] from all our "beds" could be fun knowing that your hubby is also working on the yard?  Weird, I know.  We woke up bright and early to get as much done in the yard as possible before it got blazin' hot.  I got a major arm and ab workout with those packed down leaves, while Hubs mowed and edged.  After that we ran a few errands to prepare for our afternoon projects.  While he worked on staining the deck, I painted our poop-brown (how appropriate) bathroom an ivory color.  It was not fun, especially considering I did not prime... Novice error (or just plain laziness that I ended up paying for).  After 5 or 6 coats (I can't remember at this point), the ivory finally covered the poop-brown nastiness.  Next step is taping off stripes and painting just a shade off.  I am so excited to see what this does for our tiny bathroom.  It already feels bigger and brighter after the first ivory coat.  My inspiration for this project came from a "little" blog called Young House Love, which I am obsessed over!  I am following every single step down to the paint colors because I fell in love with their pictures and because I am incapable of deciding on a paint color in under 2 months (Sad, I know).
Isn't it beautiful?
Young House Love
I am severely paying for all our hardwork today.  Every inch of my body is sore.  No exaggeration.  But I couldn't be happier.  The feeling of working on even the smallest project on our forever home with my forever mister was amazing.  I can't wait till our next To Do Day... Maybe it won't involve me playing hookie next time.

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